
Carolina Hurricanes
Carolina Hurricanes

The 2006 Stanley Cup Champions play at the RBC center in Raleigh , NC. Their fans are among the loudest in the league and the games are always fast-paced and exciting.

National Hockey League
National Hockey League

The Panthers are North Carolina ‘s pride and joy when it comes to NFL football.

Carolina Panthers
Carolina Panthers

The Panthers are North Carolina ‘s pride and joy when it comes to NFL football.

Duke University
Duke University

One of many colleges with talented athletes in the North Carolina area, Duke has quite an amazing reputation, especially in basketball. They play in Durham.

NC State University
NC State University

Located in the city of Raleigh , NC State University is well-liked with fiercely loyal fans. Basketball is played at the RBC Center , football is at Carter Finley Stadium, and baseball is at the Reynolds Coliseum.

University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina

Located in Chapel Hill , this school prides itself on its loyal fans and talented athletes. They enjoy an intense rivalry with both NC State and Duke.


North Carolina is the home of Hendrick Motor Sports, Petty Enterprizes, and Earnhart Inc., to name a few. The fans take pride in their Nascar roots.

Carolina Mudcats
Carolina Mudcats

This Minor League Baseball team which plays in Zebulon is a very family-friendly team and their games are a can’t-miss!

Durham Bulls
Durham Bulls

This local Minor League Baseball Team is another successful local team. Their games are a great value and a good time for the family.

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Recreation and State Parks


